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Isca Consulting is a specialised accounting firm that works exclusively for businesses operating within the thoroughbred related industries.

Our primary focus is to develop outstanding accounting and reporting systems for our clients so they can focus on what they do best.

By specialising in only thoroughbred related businesses, we are able to dedicate our time to understanding the complexity of issues associated with only these industries. As such, we are the forefront of industry developments and able to provide our clients with an unparalleled, in-depth understanding.

In addition we are the leading advisors in the Ardex Premier software package, which is clearly the most sophisticated and comprehensive industry accounting and reporting package on the market. Working almost exclusively with this package has allowed us to acquire an intimate understanding of this complex system. It has also enabled us to form a close working relationship with its developers.

At Isca, it’s our desire and intention to build long-term relationships with a select group of clients. We pride ourselves on being like-minded and our team is intentionally small in order to deliver on these core objectives.
